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Let's get visible!

All entrepeneurs and business owners like you realize themselves the importance of being visible with their product and or service more than ever before. So they plunge probably into all kinds of training to learn all the necessary skills and techniques on social media, blogging, vlogging and marketing. Then, like you, they make grand plans to grow your business ánd your turnover. And cheerfully you kick off to be more visible. However often the next things could happen:

  • After a few attempts you give up disappointed.

  • You don’t get off the ground; and learning all skills and techniques has only cost you money but it does nothing for your business.

  • In both cases you might look envious at competitors who succeed, or seem to succeed at first glance.


You learned all about the techniques and skills and made plans with excellent goals, results, revenue forecasts and schedules.

But the most important thing you forgot is to include your personal obstacles as well. And that’s what’s getting in your way to be the success you dream of and really can be.

Considering working on your visibility, but being unaware of how to deal with e.g.

  • Self-criticism

  • Lack of self-confidence

  • Procrastination

  • Perfectionism

  • Setbacks

is what will kill your business.

Because you can’t be visible at your best unless you release your personal obstacles. Modesty and impostor syndrome are not meant to be for entrepeneurs and business owners. You have to claim your space, your expertise.

Did you know that plans with the highest success rates consist of conscious goals that are matched with your beliefs, values and identity? The longer you wait on what might hold you back personally, the longer it takes for you to become really successful on the stage of your product or service. Don’t let your competitor run away with your ideal client.

Besides working IN and ON your business, working ON yourself is the best you can do for your business and yourself. That ‘ll really make the difference!

I’ve gone through this myself. Because of that I know you can achieve far more when you’re Conscious Courageous about the goals you want to pursue. Simple by working on my personal obstacles next to working IN and ON my business. That’s why I could step fully into my own skin, becoming a confident, conscious and courageous entrepeneur. Nowadays I mentor others how to manage to be visible as a result of goals, plans, beliefs, values an identy all matching together. Guiding them on awareness, how to handle things like self-criticism, procrastination, perfectionism, setbacks and self-confidence. So that they are ready to be the success they dream of, thanks to my 4-step conscious courageous approach.

I’m in the international bestseller The Law Of Brand Attraction, where I write about how to create a sparkling presence on the stage of your life and business. One of the things I mention is a tool how to handle your hurdles. Because in my opinion it’s a waste when so much talent, so many excellent solutions what the world is waiting for goes down the drain because of personal obstacles. Therefore it is my mission to mentor you how to practice Conscious Courage, so that your impact is greater on all the lives you want to touch. So, what if you really would be that sparkling presence on the stage of your life and business without your self-criticism, perfectionism which paralyzes you or procrastination getting in the way to become the success you dream of? Schedule your free 30 minutes Zoomcall with me and let's find out.

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